Just 1% Recruited

Our multi-step recruitment process is the industry’s most selective

We’re incredibly selective, and typically interview over 100 cleaners a week to make just 1 offer. All candidates are carefully screened and vetted over a multiple-stage process:-


1. Background Check – We are very strict both for the protection of our clients as well as our company reputation. We only accept specific ID cards (or passports), and require proof of address and National Insurance papers.


2. Online Screening – We only shortlist candidates who have more than 6-months domestic or hotel cleaning experience.


3. Face-to-Face interview – Our HR Manager discusses the cleaner’s experience in much more detail. We also look at a number of other areas including English comprehension, attitude and professionalism.


4. Test Clean – If an offer is made, then we will invite the new cleaner to clean one of our properties. Following the clean, one of our senior cleaning staff will visit the property for an in-depth inspection. The quality of cleaning required is extremely high, and we see a large percentage of cleaners fail at this stage.


5. References – Finally, cleaners that pass the test clean stage are then asked to provide two written references, which we follow up by phone call.


Typically less than 1 in 100 candidates are successful. Getting this far is only the beginning however. Newly recruited cleaners go through an initial 1-month trial period, where we carefully monitor performance, attitude and professionalism. Cleaners then need to maintain 90%+ average job ratings to continue to work with us.
